Mental Health Solutions For HR
The frustration of recognizing your employees's mental health needs without being able to offer comprehensive solutions that actually solves their problems is real. Mental Health providers can simply be too costly, complicated to implement and worst of all, boring for your employees; from countless EAP options to attempting to deal with complicated contracts, all this can easily just lead to a freeze, aware of the problems but not able to provide effective solutions. We at BCI have developed an approach to provide you with a solution:
A solution, that is extremely cost effective and perfect for small or medium size companies
A solution that is actually so engaging for your employees that they will actually use it
A solution that is super practical and enables busy professionals to enhance their wellbeing without costing them a lot of time and effort
We use a combination approach of Group Coaching, Online Courses, 1 on 1 coaching and Retreats all crafted using the same, Evidence-based Clinical Interventions used in the best patient care and an Integrative Approach that is so powerful and preventative.
What does that mean? It means that Our founder uses her 15 years experience working in private practice to design and deliver psychoeducation that is powerful, engaging, and easy to apply for your employees that it actually solves their stress and anxiety problems. The result, your team get's tremendous benefits without it having to cost a fortune in time and money.
Prevent Burnout
Solve Mental Health Concerns
Watch your Teams Thrive
Just like with a successful business, numerous priorities are in motion at the same time in order to be competitive and win big; mental health needs to be address from various angles in order to deliver a timely change and overcome the effects of stress and strain. This approach can be different to typical therapy that more often than not takes a very long time to deliver results.
Team Training
1 on 1
Performance Coaching
1 on 1 Perfomance Coaching
Online Courses & Workshops
Online Courses & Workshops
Some of our most popular workshops include:
Stress management
Emotional intelligence
Recalibrating our work-life balance
Goal-setting and productivity
Positive emotions (optimism, gratitude, & mindfulness)
Overcoming Culture Shock
Conflict management
Cultural Integration
Healthy technology and social media use
Coparenting after separation or divorce